We are a disciple-making church leading our culture to Jesus.



Our mission statement can be summed up in 3 words... "LOVE. LIVE. LEAD."


We LOVE God and People.

We LIVE for Christ

We LEAD our culture to Jesus



  1. FAITH   |   "Boldly Sharing Our Faith"
  2. WORSHIP   |   "Passionately Pursuing God"
  3. GROW   |   "Intentionally Growing in Spiritual Maturity"
  4. SERVE   |   "Generously Stewarding Our God-Given Gifts"
  5. EQUIP   |   "Raising Up Kingdom-Minded Leaders"
  6. MULTIPLY   |   "Multiplying the Kingdom of God"

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“On Sunday, October 2, 1994, a few people gathered at Braun Station Party House to launch a new ministry called Fortress Church. A week later, this group officially voted for Randy Garcia to serve as the Lead Pastor. In March of 1995, we purchased 11 acres of property and began building new facilities. But the core of what God has done in 26 plus years goes beyond the physical buildings, it is found in the anointed people God has raised up to carry out a great vision. We are the church. God is good… all the time.” -Pastor Randy D. Garcia (Founding Pastor)


“I’ve seen the beginnings and the continuation of a ministry that God has truly blessed. I’m beyond grateful for all the men and women who have gone before me and faithfully served and sacrificed for the Gospel of Jesus to be proclaimed in our community. Looking ahead, I pray that we would experience the glorious riches of God, be rooted in His love, and believe that he will do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ever ask or imagine. Amen. So be it.” -Pastor Randall S. Garcia (Lead Pastor)


Meet our leadership at Three:16 Church.

Randall Sean Garcia, Lead Pastor

Pastor Randall Sean Garcia made a full leadership transition with his father in January of 2021 to become the lead pastor of Three:16 Church. Pastor Randall Sean is a proud husband to his wife Selina, and a father of 3 children (Cole, Riley, and Raeanne). Pastor Randall Sean has his Master's Degree in Christian Ministry and Leadership from Liberty University. He is an owner and operator of a growing business in the insurance industry and continues to be a bi-vocational minister at this time.


Randy Garcia, Founding Pastor

 Pastor Randy Garcia founded Fortress Church in 1994, served as lead pastor for 26 years, and continues to serve as the executive pastor of what is now Three:16 Church. Pastor Randy is a proud husband to his wife Brenda, they have a combined 5 kids and 10 grandkids. Pastor Randy has a Master's Degree in Christian Ministry and Leadership from Liberty University. He hosts the "Rising Higher" radio program on AM1100, Monday through Friday at 5:30 PM, and is an adjunct professor at Christ Mission College.


Doug McIntosh, Student Ministries Pastor



Josue Lozano, Spanish Pastor

Pastor Lozano began ministry as a street preacher in Los Angeles, California. In 1992, he became an ordained minister while serving in a Pentecostal church. Later that year, God opened doors to begin a radio program, which has continued until today.

In early 2000, God called Pastor Lozano to begin a discipleship ministry inside a California Federal Prison, which he faithfully continued for eleven years. Many of these men have been released and are now faithfully serving as Pastors and ministering in Tijuana, Mexico, and Los Angeles churches.   

In 2012, Pastor Lozano began a congregation in Oxnard, California, where he ministered to the Latino community until 2019, when God called Pastor Lozano to San Antonio, Texas, alongside his family.

Since moving to San Antonio, Pastor Lozano has served at Three:16 church. He is passionate about teaching and ministering to the Spanish-speaking community and carrying out the great commission in our city. 



Selina Garcia,

Worship Leader


Valerie Villarreal,

Kids Director


April Saldivar,

Office Manager


Pete Villarreal,

Business Manager


Andy Lozano,

Music Director

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The Bible is the Holy and inspired Word of God. Scripture is the ultimate authority for the life of a Christ-follower. The Bible leads us and guides us in our everyday lives so that we can walk according to God's will and purpose.


"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)


We believe that salvation is a gift of God based on the blood that Christ shed on the cross of Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins. Salvation begins when we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and enter into a personal relationship with Him.


That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:9, 10 (NIV) (Other related passages of Scripture: Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23; John 3:36)


Ordinances of the church to symbolize our salvation relationship with Christ:

a) Baptism in water. We believe that baptism in water is an outward symbol of our inward commitment to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. (Mark 16:16, Rom. 6:4, Matt. 28:19)

b) Holy Communion. We remember the Lord’s death on the cross on Calvary by breaking bread (symbolizing His body that was broken) and drinking the cup (symbolizing the blood that He shed for the forgiveness of our sins). (I Cor 11:23-26)



We believe that deliverance from sickness is provided in the Atonement. We can experience God’s healing in many ways: physical, emotional, spiritual, relational and more.

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 (NIV)

(Other related passages of Scripture: Matthew 8:16-17; James 5:14-16)



We believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is extended to the believers for the purpose of being witnesses.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8 (NIV) (Other related passages of Scripture: John 7:37-39; I Corinthians 12:1-31)



We believe that all Christians who have died will one day rise from their graves to meet the Lord in the air, and those who have not yet died will be caught up with them.

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. I Thess. 4:16, 17

(Other related passages of Scripture: I Corinthians 15:51, 52, Titus 2:13, Romans 8:23)




We are an Assemblies of God church in San Antonio, TX. To learn more click here.

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